
So Easy Your ultimate slim care Nutri-scheme. INS So Easy Slim Care Nutri-Scheme is a nutritionally-balanced, safe, natural and healthy way for detoxi

So Easy Your ultimate slim care Nutri-scheme
INS So Easy Slim Care Nutri-Scheme is a nutritionally-balanced, safe, natural and healthy way for detoxification and weight loss in the same time. It helps in discharging of major toxin called mucoid plaque from our body in short period through 3 steps (see Main Function). The mucoid plaque can be discharged from our body and the physiological system of human can be normalized.
INS So Easy Slim Care Nutri-Scheme leverages on 3 major functional stages to provide optimal healthy and slimmming effect, i.e Detoxification, Toning and Nourishing.

DetoxificationBio-Diet & Bio-Balance contains oil palm fiber and organic substance to eliminate toxins in our body, in other words, remove all the Chronic Dung (mucoid plaque) accumulated in our colon walls.

HealingBio-Wheatgrass is made of wheatgrass and organic enzymes All these elements assist our body in regulate metabolism, hormone imbalance, improve blood circulation and cell function. Help to restrict cancer cells and chemical elements by reducing the risk of infectious diseases.

NourishingBio-Cell consists of 18 types of amino acids, 7 types of vegetables extract, vitamins, minerals, omega & nucleic acid. The nucleic acid content promotes regeneration healthy new cells, reduces any uncomfortable reaction and provide energy. This function is to improve our immune system and provide balanced nutrients in addition to the ideal body shape we dream for.
Our metabolism system will be normalized by the above 3 major functions of INS So Easy Slim Care Nutri-Scheme. The excess fat and damaged cells will be discharged from our body naturally.

Mucoid plaque (also known as chronic faeces) is created when the body produces mucus to protect itself from potentially toxic substances. Mucoid plaque acts as a health threat by reducing the absorption of nutrients, impairing digestion, providing a haven for parasitic microorganisms, behaving as a reservoir of toxins, promoting the development of cancer, causing skin conditions and allergies, and reducing bowel transit time. Anderson further claims that removing this allegedly protective layer is beneficial to health.
In conjunction of slim care nutri-scheme, we had organize more than 200 Detoxification Camp for 3 Days 1 Night for over the world to those who decided to give their body a clean bill of health by joining the So Easy Detoxification Camp. Is does not only cleanse the toxins in the body but reduce the unwanted extra waste whereby it makes you look healthier, youthful, radiant and energetic. In order to achieve success, one needs to have strong discipline. It is because during the camp, participants are advice to control their stress and emotion, avoid heavy duty exercise, work or thinking, maintain high intake of water, prohibited from taking alcohol, heavy meal, tobacco use or any others bad lifestyle. They are assured by our committee and nutritionist team to get enough rest, exercises and stay in a stable health condition. During the camp they will be a daily activity like yoga, chi gong, tai chi, aerobic, dancing, group activity, massages class and health class.



B型人大都有一个天真浪漫的幼年期,随着年龄的增长,逐渐分成心直口快和不擅 交际应酬
两种倾向。会让人感到他们 越 活越年轻

B型人的处世态度:常给人以冷漠简慢,不拘小节的印象。他们心直口 快,不讲虚礼,但缺乏亲切热情之感。这是因为他们生来不习惯于繁文缛节,也不擅礼尚往来。在婚 喜事场合,最为拘束的也是B型

还 有的B型人常以行动表示自己对人的同情和理解,他们助人为乐到了近乎管闲事的程序。难弄的倒是他们那好顶牛的脾气:你这么说,他偏那么说;不管别人的意见 正确与否, 上来就放一通炮,说得又都是无关宏旨的东西……

B型的人不愿积极配合别人,常常喜欢 自行其事。可是落了伍,或遭到抛弃,却特别焦急。人们都把B型人叫做“乖僻B”

B型人有注重感觉的特点,所以喜欢欣赏异性朋友的容貌风姿和谈话的表 情语调。

B型人善于理解别人的立场和心情。对对方来说,B型人的这种与自己感情上的共 鸣、和谐和情心,是在其它血型那儿感受不到的“人情味”。

山火”式的B型人在恋爱中常被人抛弃。原因之一是他们不会仔细分析原因、采 取对策,只会悉眉苦脸地露出一副可怜相。而更重要的原因是他们那 暴躁的脾气把对方 吓跑了。
email : herbsonline@easypha-max.com